5 Generations taking the AIM Products
Congratulations to my daughter Natalie Pugh Lopez who wrote a great article that was published in the AIM magazine. It is about 5 generations in our family receiving the benefits of taking the AIM products, including my grandmother who lived to be 105, my mom, myself, Natalie, and her son. 😊 I won’t be without […]
Read More About 5 Generations taking the AIM ProductsCandida and Yeast can Cause Many Health Problems
itWhen God designed the human body, He placed good bacteria inside the body to act as a garbage recycling factory. This “factory” has an important job to convert dead organisms to a useable form. When the system gets out of balance, yeast can create a lot of problems and they can become our enemy instead […]
Read More About Candida and Yeast can Cause Many Health ProblemsHealthy Way to Lose Weight
Magic Pill Don’t you wish there was a safe, magic pill that would just melt the extra body fat off the human body? I know I do! For the majority of people, it takes a lot of hard work to lose body fat and discipline to maintain a healthy weight. I have noticed over the […]
Read More About Healthy Way to Lose WeightAre you Sick and Tired of Feeling Sick and Tired?
Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Have you been to doctor after doctor and they all say that your test came out “normal?” Have you been told that your symptoms must “be in your head” or given a prescription for an antidepressant? Have the doctors told you that you will just […]
Read More About Are you Sick and Tired of Feeling Sick and Tired?AIM for Good Health in the New Year
January has arrived and many people see this month as a chance to start making positive changes. The typical New Year’s resolutions includes trying to eat healthy, exercise, get more sleep, and the most common is weight loss. Instead of focusing on the scales this year, try something new and focus on becoming healthy. If you […]
Read More About AIM for Good Health in the New YearParasites can cause Many Health Problems and Fibromyalgia Symptoms
The latest studies show that 90% of Americans have some kind of parasites living in their body. Parasite expert explain that “parasites are vermin that steal your health, food, drink your blood, and leave their excrement in your body to be reabsorbed into the blood streams as nourishment.” People worm their cats, dogs, cattle, horses […]
Read More About Parasites can cause Many Health Problems and Fibromyalgia SymptomsEveryday Toxins can cause Many Health Problems including Fibromyalgia
Toxins are considered poisons. Studies show that people breathe in toxins every day from the air inside and outside their house and job. There are also thousands of toxins in people’s food and drinks. People are slowly destroying their health by breathing, drinking, and eating. Toxins cause many symptoms. A body overloaded with toxins can […]
Read More About Everyday Toxins can cause Many Health Problems including FibromyalgiaFIBER, FRUITS, AND VEGETABLES CAN DECREASE INFLAMMATION
If you find yourself fighting different forms of infection, arthritis, auto-immune disorders, or heart disease, it could prove beneficial to start eating a lot of fruit and vegetables that have fiber and carotenoids. They have been proven to lower the inflammation in a person’s body. Measure Inflammation Arthritis Today explains that the C-Reactive Protein (CRP), […]
Read More About FIBER, FRUITS, AND VEGETABLES CAN DECREASE INFLAMMATIONImproving Health and Decreasing Fibromyalgia Symptoms
If you want to improve your health and decrease fibromyalgia symptoms, I want to encourage you to follow the “recipe” below. If you experience any of the following symptoms, I want to give you hope that you can decrease the symptoms or eliminate them all together. Do you experience sleeping problems, chronic headaches/migraines, memory problems, […]
Read More About Improving Health and Decreasing Fibromyalgia SymptomsPrebiotics and Probiotics can Improve Health and Decrease Fibromyalgia Symptoms
Prebiotics and Probiotics have been known to improve people’s health and decrease the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Most people have heard about the benefits of Probiotics for many years, but the recent buzz word in the health world is Prebiotic. See the following information about both topics. Probiotics Probiotics is the term used to describe the […]
Read More About Prebiotics and Probiotics can Improve Health and Decrease Fibromyalgia SymptomsSearch
About Me
I’ve used AIM products for years and it’s a major factor in my good health. That’s why I am passionate about sharing the wonderful AIM products with other people. My knowledge and understanding of the human body and the AIM products continues to grow each year. I received a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology with a minor in psychology from Texas Christian University in 1988. I am also a Certified Personal Trainer and a Certified Sports Nutritionist. I wrote Health and Wellness articles for newspapers and magazines for over 20 years and did (and still do) public speaking on Health and Wellness topics for many different organizations. I also wrote a book called Fibromyalgia and Fatigue: A Recipe for Feeling Fit and Healthy.
This 270 page book can educate people in how to improve their health from the research and advice of over 40 different doctors and medical experts. I have been counseling people for more than 30 years on Health and Wellness. This includes teaching people about exercise, nutrition, weight management, weight loss, muscle gain, energy, detoxifiers, and the AIM products.
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