Psalm 63:5
New International Version (NIV)
I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods;
with singing lips my mouth will praise you.
So much to say… the last few months have been ones with many ups and downs. Ups and downs in many different ways, but up a little in weight is one!
Well, this is what happened: we made a trip to South Africa! Off we go to visit the family. What can one do other than eat what is given to us!
So I imagine you will ask me why I did that. Well, when one is so far away and they have not seen us for a while, it would be rude not to do so. But I did not throw everything out of the window. Don’t worry!
One of the things I learned about myself during my journey to wellness, is that wheat does not agree with me. So I simply stayed off wheat as much as is possible. It was amazing to see how small my feet and ankles were when I arrived in South Africa. Usually for a few days my feet are quite swollen and legs are rather sore. Not this time. What a pleasure.
Was it easy to stay away from wheat? No! But I made that sacrifice to put aside something good for something better.
Did I stay away from wheat the whole time? Sadly I cannot say yes, but I did pay for it to a certain extent. The one evening my sister brought out a favourite of mine… Chocolate Digestive cookies! Yum! I ate one and within minutes my stomach was singing a song, or maybe it was groaning a song. Whatever it was, it was embarrassing.
Of course, where there is wheat there is sugar! Sugar, a poison to our system. I did not even have a lot, and it woke up a giant inside me. One that I really DO NOT want to wake up! But even since then, I notice that when I wake up that giant, he is really not that easy to put back to sleep. That is when fruit just won’t do, and salads become unappealing! Why oh why is this so? Why oh why is that sugar just so yummy? Then I remember… sugar is inflammatory, sugar shuts the immune system down, sugar is addictive.
Raw honey is ok. So off I go to buy some raw honey. Oh man, it is oh so good! Of course too much is not good, but the sweetness puts my giant to rest. And slowly I get the desire to eat fruit again and eat my veggies again!
So what happened in the end? Well, I came back to Canada about 6 pounds heavier, however, all the while, I was talking to myself and telling myself that I will get back on track as soon as I get home.
Self talk… what does your self talk look like? Did you know that you listen to what you say more than anyone else? So, if you tell yourself that you are a no good because you failed, you will believe that and then act on it. So I told myself this would end and I would get back on the straight and narrow.
Did I? Absolutely. Now, April 17, 2014, about 2 months after our return, I have lost the 5 pounds and more! Altogether since starting the cleanse and the My Busy Healthy Life program, I have lost 21.6 pounds! Astounding! I am so excited that something is actually working. It has confirmed for me that it is so important to find out what poisons us. Each of us are fearfully and wonderfully made! And each of us need to have our “own eating plan”. That is what happens with My Busy Healthy Life, every one gets their own eating plan.
Here is a challenge… for those of you who are AIM members, you have a website of your own. There is a blogging capability on the website. I would love to hear your stories about how your felt before your cleanse, how you felt during the cleanse and how you feel now. Also, how do you cope? What does your post cleanse look like? How do you help yourself keep on track?
Be blessed. I will share some more recipes in another blog.
Till next time….BB